Griffith Review Emerging Voices Competition 2024 Shortlist

I'm thrilled to announce that I have been shortlisted for the Griffith Review Emerging Voices Competition 2024.
As you may already know, I’m a dedicated reader of Griffith Review. I think it’s an amazing publication. I’ve also had the privilege of writing for Griffith Review on two occasions with:
🍽️ Short fiction 'Lunch at the Dream House' in Griffith Review 78: A Matter of Taste:
Lunch at the dream house – Emily Tsokos Purtill
Dinner with friends reveals a crack in the surface of things, in this pitch-perfect short story from Emily Tsokos Purtill

🗽Creative non-fiction 'Reluctant Farewell to a Trusted Companion' in Griffith Review 84: Attachment Styles:
Reluctant farewell to a trusted companion – Emily Tsokos Purtill
Living in New York, Emily Tsokos Purtill bought a double stroller for her two children. It became a ticket to friendship, a social life and a way of negotiating the city – until, back in Australia, it came time to give it away

I was longlisted last year for the 2023 prize with a different piece of writing. Maybe this is my year?
Thanks to Griffith Review, editor Carody Culver and team. Congratulations to all the other shortlisted writers!
14 July 2024